25th Annual Grocery Gala,

September 28th 2024

Halifax Convention Centre


In support of kids mental and nutritional health with Grocery Foundation Atlantic

Mobile Promise

Grocery Foundation Atlantic

Grocery Foundation Atlantic is a charitable partnership of like-minded retailers, manufacturers, brokers, and other members of the grocery industry representing Foodland, Sobeys, Pete’s Frootique, and Co-op stores. Through our annual Grocery Gala, we've collectively raised more than $9 million since 1999 to fund programs and technology that help children and their families in their times of need.

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24 years of Gala proceeds gifted to recipient children’s charities across Atlantic Canada with a particular focus on children’s mental health and nutritional well-being.

We’re proud and committed partners of the CHU Dumont Hospital Foundation in Moncton; the Janeway Children's Hospital Foundation in St. John's; and the IWK Foundation in Halifax.

In The News

Braeden Lightfoot’s Story

Most of us remember the feeling of graduating from high school and the excitement of thinking about what comes next. For Braeden Lightfoot of Windsor Junction, NS, celebrating his high school graduation this year was something that seemed nearly impossible as he began to seriously struggle with his mental health during his Grade 10 year.

Braeden became withdrawn. It was difficult for him to get out of bed and do the things he loved. His friends noticed too and voiced their concerns to the school nurse. She was very worried and connected the Lightfoots with the IWK.

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